Monday, December 10, 2007

Vick Sentenced to 23 months

Michael Vick has been sentenced to 23 months in prison for his involvement in the dog-fighting scandal we all know way too much about at this point. Personally, I think the story was overblown. No, I'm not some animal-hating anti-activist. However, I believe his crime should be punished by large fines, 5-6 figures per dog, and fines alone.
Michael Vick
We pay over 27,000 dollars a year for every inmate in prison, is it really worth that cash to let him sit and rot for something that honestly affected zero human beings? It's a sick sick act that needs to be illegal, but the media and the public blew this story way out of proportion just because Americans tend to be dog owners and lovers. Think about it, would we really have Dateline specials on Vick if he were involved in cockfighting, an equally brutal, vicious and unfair "sport" that is also quite popular in the US?

I have my doubts. People simply don't want to picture Fluffy getting mauled in a ring. What makes Fluffy any better than the chickens we eat everyday? I'm not a member of PETA but if you want to fight for that sort of stuff then you can't be selective. I'd rather save the 27k and take the huge chunk of money out of his wallet and buy impoverished kids some computers. Thirty thousand dollars could buy a school 60 efficient computers to teach their kids in. Instead it's being wasted on that scumbag.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well said. scumbag.