Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Shaq Deal Complete!

FINAL UPDATE: It's done. Shaq is now a Sun. Congrats to everyone involved in the trade.

UPDATE: 2 minutes ago, the Herald reported the Deal is set and Shaq is heading to Phoenix pending a physical.

This thing is heating up, people. ESPN says the move is all but a done deal. All we need is a "yes" from Phoenix and Shaq is gone. There are a number of storylines at work here.

First, Shaq is apparently pleased with the trade. He is surprised that the Heat are shopping him, but apparently his relationship with Riley has been deteriorating. The two have coexisted well together until now, and I have said that Shaq has done all he can for Riles. The problem is that losing amplifies any issues between players and coaches. It just makes everyone less open to compromise.

Next, the trade is so serious that Shaq has already been talking with Suns players. He had an extensive conversation with Amare Stoudamire (man I wish we were getting him in return, but I'm just being greedy) last night and has been reported to have spoken with other guys as well.

Shaq is already in Phoenix to take a physical. If he passes, then the deal is pretty much set.

According to Chris Broussard at ESPN, Steve Nash and Mike D'Antoni have their reservations about the trade, but the Suns are set on making the deal. GM Steve Kerr doesn't believe that the team can win long term against the bigs in the West. Marion presents a chemistry issue for them, so they feel it's a risk worth taking. Hey, one man's trash is another's treasure, right?

As for Marion, he is all for the deal, so it would be interesting if he were to stay past this season. Supposedly he is to make 17 million next year, but if he agrees to a long term deal with less money per year, that gives the Heat flexibility to add more talent to the Wade-Marion-Top5 pick combo.


Anonymous said...

I go to school in Florida State, but I bleed orange and green. I have to say that up until today, Miami sports have been a dump. But today on National Signing day, I wake up to Shaq getting traded for UNLV's pride and joy shawn marion. The heat are turning things around, and this just proves again that Riley is a genius. Randy Shannon is bring in top notch recruits, and the U in two years time will be back to it's rightful place on top of the ACC and the BCS.

All I need today is for the dolphins to say they snagged marion barber and a couple of first rounders for a our first pick......

So far so good, keep up the good work ALDO

Unknown said...

of course now you have to worry about the heat playing itself just out of a top pick. but yes it's been a wonderful day for miami sports news the past couple of weeks(some dolphins stuff has at least gotten us excited if not good news directly) It'll also be nice for this team finally become completly d-wades.